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Find Profitable Keywords Using Your Own Website


Many search marketers see keywords as nothing more than words. But your website keywords are a valuable marketing asset. If you know the exact keywords your prospective customers are using to search for and find the products or services on your website, you have the distinct advantage of being able to tap into the huge lead generation potential of search engine marketing.
Where Can You Find Keywords for Your Website?
There are a number of methods to find keywords for your website search marketing efforts, yet some are better than others.
Brainstorm keywords - You can grab a pen and paper and jot down keywords you think users may or may not use to find your website. Clearly, this method has its limitations because there's no way you can account for the endless possibilities.
Keyword suggestion tools - Getting lists of keywords from keyword suggestion tools has value in search marketing, but it will only take you so far. Keyword suggestions a great for new websites with no query history to draw from, but these suggestions are based on guesstimated data and on keywords that may or may not work for your website.
Your own site analytics reports - In my opinion, the best keywords to target are the actual keywords users typed into search engines to land on your website, so you know these terms are 100% relevant to your website and customer base and are proven to drive traffic and conversions. This information is all in your website's historical data files, which you can access through site analytics or server logs.
The other benefit to using your own website to find keywords is that the data is private and known only to you. With keyword suggestion tools, for example, these tools are open to everyone who wants to use them, including your competition so there's no competitive edge.
What to do with Your Personal Website Keyword Data
Once you've generated your list of highly relevant keywords by mining your website's search query historical data, the next step is to take action. Knowing the keywords that actual searchers used to land on your site, allows you to:
Write website copy for your target keywords - By creating optimized search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) landing pages based on your proven keywords, you're creating pages that are extremely relevant. Pages with higher degrees of relevancy perform better and rank higher in paid and organic search engines results and are much more likely to convert because, being closely aligned to the target keywords, they mimic the searchers query.
Create effective PPC ads - One of the keys to PPC success is to craft compelling but relevant text for your ads. The more relevant your ads are to the keywords you're bidding on, the higher the likelihood that searchers will click on your ads and land on your website, where your optimized website copy will improve your chances of getting a conversion.
Point is, by identifying the keywords that real people have actually used to find your site and incorporating those keywords into your daily search marketing efforts, you can turn your website into a highly-effective traffic and lead generating machine for both SEO and PPC.

Ken Lyons is a Marketing Manager for WordStream, Inc. WordStream provides a free keyword tool for finding profitable long tail keywords and search engine keywords for SEO and PPC marketing.
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